Reading for Today: Friday, December 13, 2024 – 4 Kiahk 1741
Reading | Reference |
Pauline Epistle | Romans 10:4-18 |
Catholic Epistle | 2 Peter 1:12-21 |
Acts | Acts 3:1-16 |
Synaxarion |
Psalm | Psalm 19:1, 4 |
Gospel | Matthew 10:1-15 |
Reading for Today: Friday, December 13, 2024 – 4 Kiahk 1741
Reading | Reference |
Pauline Epistle | Romans 10:4-18 |
Catholic Epistle | 2 Peter 1:12-21 |
Acts | Acts 3:1-16 |
Synaxarion |
Psalm | Psalm 19:1, 4 |
Gospel | Matthew 10:1-15 |
Reading | Reference |
Pauline Epistle | Hebrews 9:1-12 |
Catholic Epistle | 2 John 1:1-13 |
Acts of the Apostles | Acts 1:1-14 |
Synaxarium | Entrance of Saint Mary into the Temple in Jerusalem |
Divine Psalms | Psalms 45:12-13 |
Divine Gospel | Luke 1:39-56 |
“where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth” ( 40 )
St. Mary carries within her the Holy Christ and goes to do a service to Elizabeth, I wish we could carry our Christ within us and go to offer it to every human being, and this is what will make us and those who rejoice We visit them.
+ (Please select the correct answers from the options given. After reading the Gospel chapter and hearing the voice of the Lord to you on this day and transforming
Today’s Readings: Wednesday, 11th December 2024 – 2 Kiahk 1741
Liturgy | Reading |
Pauline’s Epistle | Philippians 3:20 – 4:9 |
Catholic Epistle | James 5:9-20 |
Acts of the Apostles | Acts 11:19-26 |
Synaxarium | Departure of Saint Abba Hor, the Monk |
Divine Psalms | Psalms 34:19; 68:3 |
Divine Gospel | Luke 12:32-44 |
Divine Gospel Reflection: “Let your loins be zoned” (Luke 12:35)
The Easterners wore long garments that, if not girded, would hinder their movement. Spiritually, this symbolizes the need to be ready for the Lord’s return, unburdened by worldly distractions.
After reading the Gospel chapter and hearing the voice of the Lord to you on this day and transforming, what should be the state of your loins and lights?
a. Loins girded and lights burning
b. Loins covered and lights off
c. Loins resting and lights flickering
d. Loins tightened and lights dimmed
Pauline’s Epistle | 2 Timothy 3: 10 – 4: 22 |
Catholic Epistle | 1 Peter 5: 1 – 14 |
Acts of the Apostles | Acts 20: 17 – 38 |
Synaxarium Kiahk 1 | The departure of St.Peter Elrahawy, Bishop of Gaza Consecration of the Church of the Saint, Anba Shenouda |
Divine Psalms | Psalms 73: 23,24,28 |
Divine Gospel | John 10: 1 – 16 |
Christ presented Himself as light, bread, and vine. Here, he introduces himself as a shepherd, Good.
+ (Please select the correct answers from the options given. After reading the Gospel chapter and hearing the voice of the Lord to you on this day and transforming
Reading for Today: Monday, December 9, 2024 – 30 Hatour 1741
Pauline’s Epistle | 2 Corinthians 4:5 – 5:11 |
Catholic Epistle | 1 Peter 2:18 – 3:7 |
Acts of the Apostles | Acts 7: 23- 34 |
Synaxarium Hatour 30 | Martyrdom of St. Acacius, Patriarch of Constantinople Consecration of the Church of Saints Cosmas, Damian, their brothers, and their mother Martyrdom of St. John the Monk from Qalyub |
Divine Psalms | Psalm 107:32, 41, 42 |
Divine Gospel | John 10:1-16 |
Question: According to the parable of the Good Shepherd, why do the sheep follow the shepherd?
A. They follow him because he knows their names.
B. They follow him because he loves them.
C. They follow him because he has food to give them.
D. They follow him because they know his voice.
Read for today: Sunday, 8 December 2024 – 29 Hatour 1741
Pauline’s Epistle | Romans : 3: 1- 31 |
Catholic Epistle | 1 John 1: 1 -2:6 |
Acts of the Apostles | Acts 7: 23- 34 |
Synaxarium Hatour 29 | The Commemoration of the Three Major Feasts of the Lord The martyrdom of Pope Peter, the Seal of the Martyrs, 17 The Martyrdom of Pope Clementus of Bromia The Martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria |
Divine Psalms | Psalms 44: 13 |
Divine Gospel | Luke 1: 26-38 |
“Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be?’ And I do not know a man?”
The question of the Virgin does not indicate doubt, but she does not know how this is done while she is a virgin and She vowed herself to serve the temple without marriage. This was the first and last time in History to conceive a virgin without planting humans.
Today’s Readings :Saturday, 7th December 2024 — 28 Hatour 1741
Liturgy Gospel
Pauline’s Epistle | Hebrews 7: 18 – 8 : 13 |
Catholic Epistle | 3 John 1: 1 – 15 |
Acts of the Apostles | Acts 15: 36 – 16: 5 |
Synaxarium Hatour 28 | Martyrdom of St.Sarabamon, Bishop of Nakiyos |
Divine Psalms | Psalms 99: 6 – 7 |
Divine Gospel | John 16: 20 – 33 |
No One will take away your joy from you” [(22) for their joy is Jesus Himself. St. Augustine
+ (Please select the correct answers from the options given. After reading the Gospel chapter and hearing the voice of the Lord to you on this day and transforming
Today’s Readings Friday, 6th December 2024 – 27 Hatour 1741
Liturgy Gospel
Pauline’s Epistle | Galatians 1: 1 – 19 |
Catholic Epistle | James 1: 1 – 12 |
Acts of the Apostles | Acts 15: 13 – 21 |
Synaxarium Hatour 27 | Martyrdom of St.James the Mangled (Sawn) |
Divine Psalms | Psalms 78: 5 Psalms 135: 5 |
Divine Gospel | Mark 10: 35 – 45 |
As for the cup that I drink, you will drink it, and with the dye with which I am stained, you will be stained. As for sitting on my right hand and on my left, I can only give it to those for whom I am prepared” [39-40].
It is as if to say to them, “You will suffer with me and also be martyred, but the matter for you to enjoy the glories of the kingdom is a divine command given to you not according to your material mind, but according to God’s saving plan.”
Pauline’s Epistle | Romans 8 : 14 – 27 |
Catholic Epistle | 1 Peter 2 : 11 – 17 |
Acts of the Apostles | Acts 19 : 11 – 20 |
Synaxarium Hatour 26 | Commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Saints Balaryanos and His Brother Thiborinos |
Commemoration of St.Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa | |
Divine Psalms | Psalms 66 : 12 – 14 |
Divine Gospel | Luke 21 : 12 – 19 |